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get involved!

The Middletown Arts Center is a great place to get involved!
Please fill out the contact form below to get started.


We are looking for people to volunteer and help us create an impact in the arts community! Descriptions of our volunteer roles are below. Once we receive your completed submission form, we will be in touch to discuss available volunteer opportunities here at the MAC! The MAC is currently only seeking adult volunteers as we grow our program. Volunteer opportunities for those under 18 may be available in the future and added as opportunities arise, so please submit your information for us to have on file.


Exhibit Installations: The MAC has up to 20 exhibits annually - between our Main Exhibition Hall, Lobby Gallery, and satellite locations, it takes a lot of people and skillsets to keep things up to date and running smoothly! We are seeking people who are interested in helping us install and de-install exhibits at all of these locations. Normally exhibits are installed on Mondays or Tuesdays from 10am-12pm (occasionally these times will vary depending on exhibit). We ask for installation volunteers to have interest and skill in the careful handling of artwork, ability to assist in hanging works, and willingness to learn.


Reception Desk: We'd appreciate your help with offering a friendly voice to answer the phone and providing information and welcoming visitors as they come in the door. This is one of the best ways for us to make a good first impression.  Our volunteers greet and direct visitors and assist with light office work. We ask that Reception Desk volunteers commit to working at least 2 shifts per month (we are flexible!) so we can develop a consistent routine and train you accordingly.

Outreach + Special Events: Our special events and outreach programs are growing leaps and bounds! That means that we are in need of support during these events. Outreach Programs and events can include school field trips to the MAC, partnering with local organizations on special learning experiences (like artist talks or gallery tours), sensory-friendly events, and more! A volunteer that helps during these events could assist with preparations leading up to the event, or the day of. Examples of potential volunteer roles include (but are not limited to): overseeing a self-guided art activity, being available to visitors if they have questions, instructing an activity or art project, demonstrating their medium of choice, or standing-by in the Exhibition Hall during special tours. This volunteer role can be varied and always a lot of fun!


MAC Board of Governors: The MAC is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is overseen by a very special group of people - our Board of Governors. The ideal person to serve on our board is someone who appreciates the impact we have in the community and beyond, and wants to be a part of our story - and helps makes things happen! We are looking for people who want to support us in this important time of growth. The commitment of a board member ranges - depending on your schedule and our needs. Flexibility is appreciated, but typically the time required is 1-4 hours per month.


Exhibit Opening Receptions (Intermittent): The MAC holds 8 to 10 exhibits a year in our Main Exhibition Hall and opening receptions are typically held on Friday evenings.  Volunteers will help greet and assist visitors, as well as helping prepare and monitor food and beverages. We will reach out to our volunteers when opportunities are available in order to fill available spaces. 

Exhibit Submissions (Intermittent):  The MAC hosts several exhibits each year that accept submissions.  Volunteers can assist with accepting submissions from the artists. Typically this volunteer period will be during the week in morning, afternoon, and sometimes evening hours- different shifts will be available. Helping with exhibit submissions includes greeting people, assisting them with filling out their entry forms, and assisting staff with organization of the entries. We will reach out to our volunteers when opportunities are available in order to fill available spaces. 

Hours of Operation

Monday               9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday              9:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. 
Wednesday        9:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Thursday             9:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.


Special hours during event weeks. Please call to confirm closing times.
Friday, Saturday, & Sunday     
Open periodically for workshops, classes and special events.  Please call for availability.


The MAC has earned a gold seal of transparency.

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The Middletown Arts Center has taken the AAM Pledge of Excellence.

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130 N. Verity Parkway

Middletown, OH  45042



The Middletown Arts Center's mission is made possible in part by an investment of public funds from the Ohio Arts Council (OAC). The OAC is a state agency that funds and supports quality arts experiences to strengthen Ohio communities culturally, educationally, and economically

Thank you to our Supporters

The Middletown Arts Center's mission is to enrich our community by fostering creative expression through education, exhibition, and collaboration.

© 2024 Middletown Arts Center

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